Home Seujarah Acheh : A Neverending Resistance And Confrontation Against The Colonization Of The Hoodlum Empire Of “indonesia”.

Acheh : A Neverending Resistance And Confrontation Against The Colonization Of The Hoodlum Empire Of “indonesia”.

by Sjukri Ibrahim
  • Acheh : A Neverending Resistance And Confrontation Against The Colonization Of The Hoodlum Empire Of “indonesia”.

What do you understand about Atjeh or Acheh? Or how do you describe Atjeh or Acheh according to your understanding? To us Achehnese, Acheh is about the matter of livelihood of a sovereign and civilized nation or tragically the extinction of a big historic key player across the Malay archipelago.

Acheh with its fair tropical climate and green range of its rainforest mountains is located on the north tip of Sumatra island which is described as the most strategic spot for such a maritime nation throughout the history.

The Kingdom of Acheh Darussalam was one of the oldest, independant and well-structured political kingdom entity in the Malay world. According to the authentic manuscript and other source Islam has started to become the religious practice among Achehnese since the 7th century. The Kingdom of Atjeh Darussalam began to emerge in year 1496 when the first ruler, Sultan Ali Mughayat Shah was throned in the capital of Banda Atjeh. The kingdom was then ruled by 34 rulers until 1874, the year when the Dutch launched the second attempt to conquer Acheh. The last ruler from the royal family, Sultan Mahmud Syah died of cholera and he left a 9 year old royal prince by the name of Tuanku Muhammad Daud Syah.

At the time when the colonial war was still rampaging a few miles from Banda Atjeh and as regards the royal prince was still a small boy, the elders commitee in the state of emergency had unanimously took firm decision to position Tengku Tjhik Muhammad Saman diTiro as Wali Neugara or in other name “the Caretaker of the Kingdom during the state of emergency” aka the Supreme Commander of the people’s resistance and insurgency against the Dutch colonial force.

As far as the world acknowledged, it was the beginning of one of the bloodiest colonial warfare that ever took place in the world and particularly in the Malay archipelago. It was also the beginning of the Tiro family legacy in the insurgency of the independent nation against the Dutch colonialist. The last “Wali Neugara” during the time of Dutch colonial war campaign, Tengku Tjhik Maat di Tiro was martyred in the Tjokkan mountain on the 3rd December 1911 after 6 of his predecessors from the Tiro family potrayed their true blood of loyalty and dignity to die as free nation heroes and are still remembered until these days by the Achehnese and others who know them.

In “The One hundred years’ War of Today” as described by The Harpers Magazine, Acheh has never legitimately lost it. On the other hand, The Dutch itself had never won the war either. There is no single piece of paper of any so-called agreement of surrender by the head of Atjeh until the second world war broke out. The declaration of neutrality by US, Great Britain, France, Italy, Austro-Hungary and many others potrayed the indisputable recognition that Acheh was still then the internationally recognized independant sovereign state.

After the second world war ended, the Britain and the Dutch returned to their former colonized kingdoms and territories. The Dutch returned to all their colonies except Acheh. Against the stipulated charters and principles of the UN and thus without any kind of referrendum or plebiscite, the Dutch illegitimately surrended the internationally recognized independant sovereign state of Acheh into the hand of its puppet regime the Republic of Indonesia.

In 1976, another member of the Tiro family genealogy then, Tengku Tjhik Hasan Muhammad diTiro, came back to the mountain of Acheh from New York solely to proclaim the succession of his ancestors’ duty to establish the continuation of the Achehnese uprising and resistance against the colonization and oppression by the brutal Indonesian regime. On the 4th of December 1976 he officially addressed the Re-Declaration of Independence of Acheh to the people of Acheh and to the whole world. The Atjeh Sumatra National Liberation Front or generally known as AM among Achehnese was then establised and the executive cabinet was set up consisting of a number of indeginous scholars. He successfully brought back the true identity of Atjehnese education to the whole nation across Atjeh. He awakened the true factual identity and mindset as a free and independent nation in line with other self-dignified and civilized nation around the globe. Moreover, at the same time he triggered the Atjehnese awareness on the alarming situation of cultural and economic colonisation over the nation. The uprising of the people finally turned into widespread armed conflicts all across the 17 provinces throughout Atjeh.

Tengku Tjhik Hasan Muhammad diTiro, the 8th Wali Neugara of Atjeh passed away on June the 3rd, 2010. His love, loyalty, passion and lifetime determination for Atjeh will always be remembered generation by generation endlessly.

For almost 150 years, the Atjehnese have continuously suffered and bled until today under foreign colonial hegemony; the white coloured Dutch and today the brown coloured Javanese Indonesia.

Since the fabricated javanese Indonesia which was formerly known as the Dutch East Indies was handed over by the Dutch to the javanese, their 300 years’ colonized subject, there have been thousands of widespread atrocities such as massacres, dissapearances of civilians, extrajudicial killings, burning civilian houses, tortures and rapes reported taking place across Atjeh. Hundreds of thousand of Atjehnese have become martyrs in their resistance against the outside invaders colonizing and stealing natural resources from their homeland. Thousands of Atjehnese refugees had to leave their beloved ones to seek for better and secured places to live and work for their livings. Thousands of them have been living in other countries around the world such as American, European, Australian and Asian continent. Yet, their love and passion for homeland is still alive. They still keep on fighting in their new ways and methods.

His Highness Al-Mudabbir Paduka Yang Mulia Tengku Tjhik di Tiro Hasan Muhammad, the 8th Wali Neugara of Acheh passed away on June 3rd, 2010 as a national hero of the state of Acheh. His body was buried beside the graveyard of his great grandfather, the most prominent national hero of Acheh and the 1st Wali Negara, Tengku Sjekh Muhammad Saman diTiro at the Tiro family cemetary compound in Mereue, Acheh.

On December 4th, 2021 Tengku Hasan diTiro’s nephew, Tengku Musanna Abdul Wahab di Tiro took an oath in Stockholm, Sweden to continue the diTiro’s legacy of the leadership of the resistance and uprising of the Achehnese against the barbaric colonial hoodlum empire of “indonesia”.

The struggle will never stop. The people’s resistance against the javanese Indonesian colonialist will never end. Atjeh has all its legal and historical rights to exercise its self-determination right to regain its political, legitamate and lawful entity as the internationally recognized independant sovereign state like it has always been before.

Written by :
Tengku Sulaiman Bin Abdul Razak Tiro
Spokeperson for
Majlis Gerakan Acheh Merdeka Pusat
September 4th, 2024

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Ilham Noorhady September 15, 2024 - 3:18 pm

I am an 18 year old Acehnese who really loves and is proud to be Acehnese. I tried to learn more about the history of Aceh starting from the Sultanate of Aceh to the struggle of Aceh against Indonesian colonialism. until I realized that at the time of the Helsinki MoU agreement I had not been born yet. I am very grateful to the Acehnese fighters abroad who are still providing struggle and education to the people of Aceh and even the world that Aceh is a country of warriors. I hope that one day I can be like all of you, the role models for the Acehnese nation.

admin September 15, 2024 - 4:01 pm

Deungon web njoë geutanjoë ta tji peusipreuëk ‘ileumèë Atjèh Meurdéhka. Djeuët neukirém email keu kamoë. Peukara seudjarah akan geutanjoë tamah ladju.
Teurimong geunaséh.


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